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Monday, June 09, 2008


I was tagged, by my internet friend Yin last week and because I've been soooo busy didn't even know it! I don't really have 7 blog friends to tag in return to pass it on, but thought I'd play along so you all could learn some more unique things about me.

First here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

OK, let me see if I can think of 7 facts that you might not know about me. {{{lol}}}

1. I am the oldest of 7 children.
2. I am married to a twin in which they are the youngest of 7 children.
3. I am a "TAD" on the perfectionist side. ;-)
4. I have Never traveled outside of the US but have grand dreams of it some day.
5. I have TRUE Hazel eyes (this means that they change colors with my mood or clothing color) They mainly stay a greenish-blue... But have been known to be very blue, very green, green with brown specks, and even a green with yellowish-brown edges(when I'm really mad according to DH).
6. I have had 3 pregnancies but none have lasted full term... and believe it or not -- dh and I have always wanted 5 children!!!
7. I accepted Christ and received Salvation when I was 9, but I have LOVED the Lord with all my heart only since I was 19. That 10 years in between I learned a lot of hard life lessons and believe it's what makes me value my relationship with GOD so much now.

Hope any of my few and far between readers found my 7 things interesting and enjoyed it!

Until Next time... Blessings!


Blogger Yin said...

Hi Shawna, I got back last night and found your loveliest message on my blog. I know, it's amazing how God gives some of us a special connection even over the internet and such distances, it's so wonderful. Thanks for being my internet friend too!

I came over to read your tag, great to find out more about you! My dh is also youngest of 7, but me the oldest of 2. I smiled at fact number 3, and hope your grand plans of travelling come true very soon. I know I'm greatly blessed to have come visit the US because my brother was posted to Washington. Your hazel eyes are amazing!
I'm so sorry to read about number 6, I know our God has the best plans for you that only He knows, and they are for good, and you will be blessed in His Will, whether that includes children or not. But my heart really goes out to you, and your dh, I can't imagine, it must be so hard, take care ! Prayers with you.
I'm SO glad you're my sister in Christ. Finally, enjoy your 20 year reunion, (i've past that, :P )and have a smooth move to your new home! God Bless!

Sat Jun 14, 08:42:00 AM  

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