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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Check me Out posting on the 1st again!!!

Today was an interesting one in our house!

So, my DH wakes me up this morning before I could really get my bearings about me. This happens most mornings since I'm more of the night owl in our household. He proceeds to tell me that his older almost full 250 GB HD just seems to have crashed. You see this is a BIG deal because a month or two ago now he bought me 2 new 500 GB HD's to transfer all of my info to so he could have my two newer 320's to use for his PC and so he could back it up as a clone like we do mine.

I wanted to pray with him right then and there but he said just come and see how bad it is. I came in and he had written some DOS script to appear to be "running" that said something about not finding such and such files to boot HD. I was almost hysterical because it had not been backed up EVER and had 1/2 of our photos from the past 5 years on it, all of our business files on it, all of our 3 websites, all our client info, and on and on... I just kept saying we need to pray about this... what can you do if you turn it off right now... and he just had this look on his face like it would NEVER work... and you see this worked on me because he's been a computer guy for almost 20 years. So I figured he could tell by the error code it was impossible...

I felt HORRIBLE and was almost ready to cry because it was ALL my fault... and he had been asking me to please hurry up and finish moving my info over to the new HD so he could have these two... and then he just busted up laughing, uncontrollably and says April Fools!!! I was like you big fat jerk!!! That is so NOT Funny!!! So NOT Funny!!! I can't believe you!!!

Anyhow... I've had a few problems with my left foot, knee, and leg over the past 2 or 3 years now. I almost needed surgery originally but chose intensive therapy for 3-4 months. I finally was back to 76% and insurance released me saying the rest was up to me. I then twisted the same ankle less than 6 months later getting it caught up in a tree root system on the ground and having some pain for a couple months. Then this year alone, I hit the inside of the kneecap BAD to where it hurt to walk for almost a month... and just as it was getting better I hit the outside of the same kneecap. So all that to say I have bouts of pain if I'm getting lax on using it, exercising, walking or the such to keep it stretched and healthy. Well, with this cold winter... we weren't walking as much and the last week or so I've felt tenderness in it again... and have said so at least a few times to him. So, it was in his mind, recently!

So, after his prank this morning I had decided to GET HIM BACK!!!! this year. He was in his office trying to get some work done before 5 and I started down the hall way and stomped a little and pretended to stumble... I started off kind of gently and escalated my voice from Oh my gosh that really hurt to Oh NO it's killing me to Oh my goodness I think I broke my leg... and was faking a cry and he came running down the hall totally freaked out trying to get me to calm down...

Seeing the panic on his face brought an intense guilt to my heart and I actually started to tear up for real because of my remorse for playing such a horrible prank. He wouldn't even touch my leg right away, he was trying to think and do the right thing by not moving it and seeing if I could move it on my own.. and was being such a calm and loving husband that I was in tears for real by now and I just didn't have the heart to take it any further... I had to yell amidst the tears of guilt "April Fools Baby, April Fools!!!"... He just rolled over dying laughing right there in the hallway and said OMG honey that was so good!!! Hollywood called and they want you for that new chick flick movie... I then had to explain the guilt was what made me tear up when I realized how much he really thought I broke my leg... BUT... when all is said and done... I have to say... it was well deserved... He gets me every year before I'm even out of bed (more or less) because I'm so gullible... I had to teach him a lesson.

Anywho... all evening long he just kept saying how PROUD he was of me for my prank... he didn't know I had it in me... How SICK are we in this house??? Roflmbo

I told him later I actually still felt really bad playing the girl who cried wolf... and pulled out way earlier than I had planned. But I have to admit... Now, I'm a tad worried he won't come check on me the next time I really do get hurt.

You see I tend to be a "little" accident prone at times... so I WILL need him later for real! What's a Girl to Do?

Well, hope your April fool’s Holiday was a good one!

Love & Blessings!


Blogger ChrissyW said...

LOL!!!!!!! that's GREAT!!! what an enjoyable read!!! and thanks for stoppin by my blog too!! :)

Fri Apr 04, 10:52:00 PM  
Blogger bizee1 said...

Hiya hon..

I just had a good read about your April Fools pranking one another..thats great! Its nice you guys can play around like that! Its cute. I came by here to say Thank you coming my blog and leaving me the heads up and I wanted to know if you can tell me which alpha had the missing "Y". I looked thru my folders and they are all there, and I am not certain which one you were talking about, so if you can let me know I will send it to you and also post it so others can get it as well. And I also would like to send you a "Thank you" gift for letting me know about it. I always send little gifts to those who help me out in that way ; )

If you could leave a post on my blog I'd appreciate it very much! And Thank you for stopping by!

have a great evening!

Sun Apr 27, 08:31:00 PM  
Blogger Fraisinette said...

Please contact me at ;-)

Sat May 03, 10:30:00 PM  
Blogger Yin said...

Hi Shawna, didn't know you'd been updating your blog, till I came over to Tag you! See my blog for more details.
Your April Fools stories just had me rolling on the floor.. you guys are wicked! and so fun!

Mon Jun 02, 07:51:00 AM  

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