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Saturday, March 01, 2008

You Have Got To Check This BLOG Out

I have been visiting Pamela's DigiTreats Blog for a while now... I have been digi-scrapping for almost 3 years now and I found her about 9 months ago, I guess it was... Can't remember the exact time frame but I would say in May 07 around the NSD (National SB Day) or such. Lets just say though with the stuff I've recieved in freebies alone... I wished I had met her earlier on... lol

But even if you don't catch an item as a freebie, she has fantastic prices. Especially for the Quality she puts out!!! I am not on her CT (although if she needed someone for her templates, I'm available... lol {wink}) But if you haven't heard of her or even if you had & you just forgot... You better not Walk but RUN over to her blog and check her out for yourself!!!

She has the most awesome MEGA MEGA MEGA Kit she's been sharing for several weeks now. Sorry I never mentioned it earlier if you visit my blog! But it's Called "ABC" and there are 3 categories she's working in... a little of each one each week she shares.

Here's just a small sample of each portion that she's shared this week alone:
-- Girly Kit -- "ABC Skip" -- Boyish Kit -- "ABC Run"

-- General Kit -- "ABC Jump"

Aren't the color schemes Great? I think although they are being made for one thing/subject... they are fairly universal for anything... And the Jump kit is very universal! There's so much to mix and match too. So, here's the link to her blog if I've piqued your curiosity:

I imagine the ABC kit(s) will go on for a long while as she is making papers and alphas for each letter of the alphabet. As you can see above she's only in the C's now... and she has several still available for FREE on the front page of her blog... Once they move to the 2nd page she puts them in her shop for a reasonable rate, too... So if you missed parts you can still get them. Also, several other ladies through-out the net are sharing matching kits on their blogs... and Pamela always shares their links with us when they do!

Anyway, just thought I'd let any of my friends that are visiting know about it. Mainly because I am so flabbergasted by her generosity and talent that she shares with us... and so much of the time for Nothing in return but a Thank You! So, if you do grab it. Don't forget to say THANK YOU, please. Trust me she deserves it, you'll see when you get there.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Pamela the BEST?! I found her around the end of last year and I am SO glad I did. Her designs are AMAZING and this 3-variation ABC kit she has going is phenomenal. The fact that other designers are also making freebie add-ons is inspiring. If only I were a designer... but I'm happy just being an "artist" in the layout lounge. :)

Thanks for the chit-chat on DD. I was noticing the title of some of your past blog posts... Glacier NP caught my eye. In 1993 I did a 3 week solo backpacking tour, while working at The Nature Conservancy. I flew from Washington, DC to Chicago, hopped AMTRAK and rode it to Whitefish, MT, spent 7 nights camping in GNP - including one very memorable stargazing night up in Waterton. Hopped back on AMTRAK, rode it to Seattle, stayed there for 3 nights, back on the train, down the west coast and over to Flagstaff, AZ, where I caught a bus to the Grand Canyon. Camped there for 2 nights, took a small plane to Sedona where I met up with a friend who drove me to her house in Tucson. I then spent the rest of the week at The Nature Conservancy's national meeting in Tucson before flying home to DC. I was 27 yo and had the time of my life. Glacier/Waterton remains, for me, one of the most magical places on the planet.

Hope you enjoyed it too!

(Gosh I was quite the rambler there, wasn't I?!)

Tue Mar 04, 10:46:00 PM  

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